Monday, February 3, 2025
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Meet Our Contributors

Best of Lake Chapala is proud to offer the work of some very talented writers and photographers. Below (in alphabetical order by last name) is a partial list of our contributors, and we extend our sincere gratitude for their contributions in helping present the endless and fascinating aspects of life in Lake Chapala and Mexico. Watch for more contributors to be added as we continue to compile photos and biographies.

Untitled-1 - CopyAdelle Morgan-Cordero, Writer/Journalist

Before moving to Mexico almost 30 years ago, Adelle Cordero worked in media, PR and communications. She and husband Marcos founded and publish the annual Chapala Directory, now in its 21st year, and the Streetsmart map guide, now in its 5th edition. Adelle is the author or co-author of several historical or non-fiction books and numerous articles. For many years, she was a journalist and daily newspaper editor in Houston, Texas, where she helped establish the well-known newspaper USA Today, with its first full-color edition in the region.


Logan Hawkes, Writer

We regret to report that Logan Hawkes passed away in February 2020. He was an award-winning writer, researcher, publisher, broadcaster and adventurer and publisher. He served as a guest and contributor to the History Channel, hosted the syndicated radio talk show, “Travel Quest”, and authored various history-based books, stories and docudramas. RIP Logan. Read more at or


Josh Linnes, Writer 

Josh (and associate Park Wilson) left the U.S. behind in search of something better, and found it south of the border. They have co-authored the book Top 57 Places to Live and Invest In the Tropics, with over 200 photo-filled pages. Visit their site at to download their book (currently free) and read more about investing and living in Latin America.


Steve Miller, Travel Writer & Photographer

A resident of Lakeside Chapala, Steve and wife Ada love to travel, enjoying life and discovering Mexico and beyond. As a freelance photographer, video producer, and travel writer, Steve captures Mexico at its most picturesque and visually interesting.View more of his work at Facebook’s Steven Miller Photography.

KristinaMorganKristina Morgan, Writer

Kristina has lived in Mexico and the Lake Chapala area for close to 20 years. Three of her four children were born and raised here. She once served as a Relocation Specialist and Public Relations Director for Focus on Mexico. Kristina is a Licensed Real Estate Agent and Broker and also a Licensed General Contractor.  She is currently a co-broker at Lake Chapala Real Estate in Ajijic. Kristina is also creator/administrator of the popular Facebook page GILM (God I Love Mexico).

DanielPadillaDaniel Padilla, Photographer

Daniel’s genuine love of the Chapala area — its traditions, it food, its people, its street scenes, its culture — all shine through in his amazing photos of everyday life here. A great many local residents follow his photographic documentation of the area. To view and enjoy more of his work go to Facebook’s Chapala por Daniel Padilla.

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Dave Paez, Photographer

Photographer Dave Paez specializes in experimental and innovative photographic techniques and styles. He is well known for his distinctive sports, fashion and architectural photography, having studied under master art photographers such as Juan Manuel Pineda, Juan José Saravia and others. He has also studied Digital Animation Engineering at the Instituto Tecnológico de Chapala, developing unique audio/visual technical and artistic skills.

JohnPintJohn Pint, Writer/Photographer

Explorer and adventurer John Pint is a regular columnist for the Guadalajara Reporter and author of several books in both Spanish and English, including “Outdoors in Western Mexico” (co-authored with his wife Susy). The Pints’ website ( offers many fascinating articles about caves, geology, history, and hidden or little-known natural wonders and mysteries in Mexico.

Naida Osline, Photographer

Canadian-born photographer Naida Osline regularly immerses herself in an environment for extended periods of time. From 2015-16, she spent a total of three months in the Chapala region interviewing expats for her series GRINGOTOPIA. Naida’s work has been presented and reviewed in solo and group exhibitions in the U.S. and internationally. More information:


Paulina Rosas, Photographer

Photographer and graphic designer Paulina (“Poli”) is dedicated to capturing and immortalizing life’s most important moments. Her photos include many of her young son, as well as the culinary creations of her partner Chef Thane Madrid, of Opa Bistro in Ajijic. See Poli’s work at


Tarra Sabin, Writer

Tarra’s articles are well-known to many Lakesiders. She has lived in Mexico since 1992, spending many years among the indigenous Huichol Indians, learning their culture. Her years here have given her a unique understanding and perspective of our Mexican hosts. In addition to being a writer, Tarra is a certified naturopath and nutritionist. She can be contacted at

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Bernd P. Sawatzki, Photographer

Born and raised in Germany, Bernd has traveled extensively throughout the world, visiting more than 70 countries with his camera in hand. He spent many years working in diplomatic service and later in design/construction before retiring and moving from Canada to Mexico in 2009. His photography has been seen in exhibitions worldwide. View his work on his Facebook page: Bernd Peter Sawatzki


Roger Simerly, Photographer

Roger lives in Ajijic with his wife Julie and son Aiden. His photos taken around Lake Chapala and throughout Mexico and the U.S. exhibit an uncommon eye for beauty and character. To view more of Roger’s photo gallery, go to Roger’s galleries are categorized by month, year, and event or locale, which provides a unique seasonal look at our beautiful area.


Park Wilson, Writer

Park (and associate Josh Linnes) left the U.S. behind in search of something better, and found it south of the border. They have co-authored the book Top 57 Places to Live and Invest In the Tropics, with over 200 photo-filled pages. Visit their site at to download their book (currently free) and read more about investing and living in Latin America.

Chuck Bolotin, Writer

Chuck represents Best Places In the World to Retire, an organization is funded and run by an experienced group of entrepreneurs and investors based primarily in Southern Arizona. Chuck can be reached at